Mission Work in Biloxi

The past week was spent in Biloxi, MS working on houses for people impacted by Katrina. Three and half years later the rebuilding goes on and probably will for years to come. The church with which we have been working,Lemoyne Boulevard Baptist Church, has done a great job during this time giving of themselves and their resources.

Many from other states have been working for over three years, living in travel trailers, dealing with volunteers on job sites, feeding the volunteers, keeping material and supplies organized, and giving their personal resources so the work can continue.

The one thing that is beginning run dry is the money. As these things go, interest turns to other projects and money is sent to other places. All of this started when people sent money to the church so that they could rebuild the building. Instead of taking it all and using for their purpose, the people of the church began using the funds to help those around them rebuild. They did rebuild the church building and began using as a place for volunteers to sleep and eat. They did not do so opulently, but did it well and with style.

For over three years individuals, companies, and churches have been sending money and materials to keep the work going. If you will remember, FEMA and insurance companies were sometimes slow to get money to the individuals that needed to make repairs, so LBBC helped them remodel and rebuild without any expectations of recovering the resources expended. Many of these people would take grant and insurance money they received later and give it to the church so they could continue building. But all thing eventually end.

While the flow of volunteers is slowing, they still have a steady stream of people willing to help. As with money, the people resources are slowing. Our group of 5 was the only one there last week and another group will be coming in Thursday this week. As you can imagine working in that area during the summer in tough so the flow will be even slower during those months. They will probably finish the houses they are working on now and build one more house before ending the work in the Fall.

The need is still great there and the building will continue, but the ministry of LBBC will end. They have done a great job and having impacted the lives of hundreds of people in a great way. Not only have they helped remodel home damaged by Katrina, but they have built many homes from the ground up. Most of these were handicapped or elderly people who otherwise would not have their home.

More importantly they have fulfilled the command of Christ to care for those in need. Too often churches do not do what they are called to do in these situations. Not every church in Biloxi was called to do what LBBC was called to do, but they realized the call and met the challenge. This has not been easy. The church had to share the space with volunteers all week and then be ready to for regular Sunday and worship on Sunday. They had other ministries that carried on when they could hardly move through the hall. Staff members moved forward with their various ministries while much of the focus was on helping people rebuild their lives and houses.

The staff and members of LBBC deserve a lot of thanks for the work they have done. They have worked without any expectation of a stand ovation or a pat on the back. They did it because that is what God has called them to do. They will receive their reward in heaven but I want to thank them now. Every time we leave we are thanked for our work, but we get to go home and continue our lives but they stay there and continue their work.

Thanks LBBC people! You have done a great job!

This item is cross-posted to my ministry blog.